In this workshop, media artist Alex MacKenzie will present a closer look at the original engine of expanded cinema: the projector. Specifically, participants will explore how to work with 16mm projection devices to allow an extension of their potential and a re-purposing of their function. Discussion and examination of the various elements of projection: light, lens, focal plane, film gate, speed, shutter, motor, bulb, and screen will all be explored with live examples and an up-close and hands-on approach. The work of contemporary media artists as well as historically significant artists will be discussed. Participants will be given the opportunity to try out various techniques, and will leave with a better understanding of how these elements work both separately and in tandem, as well as with a demystification of the primary instrument of the motion picture.
To participate, click here
Included in the Workshop is one (1) ticket to the Apparitions screening on Sunday March 19th, 7:00pm.
*All materials for workshop will be provided*