The Color of Salt – Tinting & Toning Motion Picture Film

University of Colorado at Boulder, Macky Auditorium, Room 1B03C 285 University Avenue, Boulder, CO, United States

From the Daguerreotype to today’s modern film emulsions, this toning workshop will cover everything concerning hand-coloring motion picture film


Colorado: Tinting & Toning Motion Picture Film 316 Bethnal Green Road, London, United Kingdom

In this workshop, we will be taking you through a hands-on exploration of the history and theories behind tinting and toning motion picture film.

80.00 GBP – 120 GBP

My life as a silver halide 316 Bethnal Green Road, London, United Kingdom

Do you ever wake up in the night from dreams of floating through salt prints?

80.00 GBP – 120.00 GBP

Guilty: the destruction of film emulsion 316 Bethnal Green Road, London, United Kingdom

From highly formulated chemistry through to “that unknown bottle under the sink,” we will explore as many techniques possible for destroying emulsion.

80.00 GBP – 120.00 GBP

Chemical Odysseys In B&W

Klubvizija SC Savska cesta 25, Zagreb, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

In this four day workshop with Klubvizija SC, participants will be given the space and resources to experiment and create black & white films on 16mm.

Black & White Reversal

University of Colorado at Boulder, Macky Auditorium, Room 1B03C 285 University Avenue, Boulder, CO, United States

In this workshop, we will be exploring a process of faith whereby the film maker and the film strip become an allegory of one another - the reversal process.


Зеркало: Reshaping and Lighting Film Emulsion

University of Colorado at Boulder, Macky Auditorium, Room 1B03C 285 University Avenue, Boulder, CO, United States

From mordancage to mirror toning, we will be exploring the possibilities of physical & chemical alteration to the film's emulsion as a means of expression.


The Gurney-Mott Theory: An Introduction to Hand Processing Motion Picture Film

University of Colorado at Boulder, Macky Auditorium, Room 1B03C 285 University Avenue, Boulder, CO, United States

Abstract: "The diverse operations of developing, fixing and washing films can be carried out conveniently with the help of simple buckets with a capacity of about ten litres. The film is unwound very quickly and plunged in such a way that it unwinds in the developer. When all the film is unwound you move it, […]


The Mirror: Reshaping and Lighting Film Emulsion

The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) 1137 Dupont Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The Mirror: Reshaping and Lighting Film Emulsion - An Abstract: In this two day workshop, we will be exploring the anatomy of a film strip through a variety of physical and chemical phenomenons that will reshape, destroy and sculpt the film emulsion. Techniques such as reticulation, bleach etching and mirror toning will all be covered […]

180.00 CAD – 200.00 CAD

Frenkel Defects, Edition I

CineCycle 129 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Abstract: Frenkel Defects, Edition I is a short program of 16mm film works from the Process Reversal Collective and other artist-run film groups including l'Abominable (Paris, France), The Double Negative Collective (Montreal, PQ), The Handmade Film Institute (Boulder, CO) and LIFT (Toronto, ON). Filmmakers including Sarah Biagini, Andrew Busti, Taylor Dunne, Nicolas Rey, Kevin Rice, Robert […]
